Skin made by Kent Stahre "Alias Artech" 22/6 98. Updated 15/10 98 Howto: Put the amiga drawer in the drawer called skin, in the same dir as AmigaAMP. Start AmigaAMP, open the menu and go to skin, amiga, then load. enjoy my skin for AmigaAmp. ------------------------------------- My homepage: My E-Mail: My UIN:11652408 EQ Amiga A-1400TOWER. ZorroII. PPC-200mhz/040-25mhz CyberVision64-3D. Scan-dobler. 32*CD. 3,5GIG-HD. 32MB-MEM. HP 17 monitor. Soundwawe-240-3D speaker. 56 modem- EQ PC Pentiun 200-MMX. HP 17 monitor 16*CD 2,3GIG-HD 32MB-MEM